
Whether you’re working on code, content, design, usability and business processes surrounding website development, you should stop by A List Apart. I’ve used several excellent CSS tutorials from this site and I highly recommend it.

Nate sent the following message:

How many routers does RIP support? 
How about RIP version 2?
I see that your tutorial says 15 hops, 
but does that mean you can only
have 15 routers in your network?

Answer: How Many Routers will RIP v1 & v2 Support?

I'm a heavy user of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Tasks especially. One major frustration I have with the redesigned Office 2007 productivity suite is that Outlook Tasks now have a default due date of "TODAY". So how do you change the default? Continue reading
InetDaemon.Com has over 800 tutorials on the Internet, Networking, Computers, Security, World Wide Web, Satellite and Telecommunications. Continue reading
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