Startup (SPARC)
- bootblk
- ufsboot
- kernel
- init / telinit
- Run Levels
- 0 - Stopped (EEPROM)
- 1 - Administrative state
- s - Single User
- S - Single User
- 2 - Multi-user; no network filemounts
- 3 - Multi-user mode
- 4 - Not used
- 5.- Shutdown, power-off
- 6 - Shutdown and reboot to state listed /etc/inittab
- Run Levels
- shutdown -r
- shutdown -g -y -i#
# = Run Level number (0,1,s,S,2,3,4,5,6)
g = seconds grace period
y = YES (Are you sure? is OFF)
User Administration
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
- useradd (user ID > 100)
- usermod
- userdel
- passwd
Group Administration
- /etc/group
- newgrp
Process Monitoring
- ps
Process Control
- kill
- pkill
- pgrep
- nice
- pagesize
- priocntl
- who
- proc
- top
- /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0
- /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0
- fstyp
- touch /reconfigure
Filesystem Types
- Disk Based
- UFS - Unix/Universal File System (BSD 4.3 Fat Fast Filesystem based) [Sparc]
- S5FS - [Intel Architecture]
- HSFS - High Seirra (ISO 9660)
- PCFS - [Fat/Floppy filesystem]
- UDFS - [Universal Disk Format] - CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
- Network Based
- Virtual
- CacheFS
- mount anywhere
- /tmp
- /tmp/newroot
- /procfs
- CacheFS
Filesystem Commands
- clri - clear inodes
- df - disk free
- ff - filenames/statistics for filesystem
- du - disk utilization by filesystem
- fsck - Filesystem integrity check
- fsdb - Filesystem debugger
- fstype - Filesystem type
- labelit - List or lable filesystems when copied to tape
- mkfs - Make a new filesystem
- mount - Mount a filesystem
- mountall - Mount all filesystems in a sepcified file table (/etc/vfstab by default)
- ncheck - Generate list of path names with their inode-numbers
- umount
- umountall - Unmount all filesystems in specified in a specified filesystem table (/etc/vfstab by default)
- volcopy - Make an image copy of a file system
File Mounts
- /etc/vfstab - Local system's filesystem table
- mount
- umount
- mountall
- umountall
File Shares
- share
- shareall
File Management
- rm
- mkdir
- rmdir
Disk Space
- df
- du
- quot
Processor / Memory
- ps
- iostat
- vmstat
- sar
- /etc/hosts (which is usually an alias to /etc/inet/hosts)
- /etc/hostname
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- /etc/resolv.conf
- /etc/inetd.conf
- ifconfig
- netstat
- ping
- traceroute
- telnet
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