Privacy Pledge

InetDaemon HATES SPAM and unsolicited commercial offers. InetDaemon personally pledges never to distribute or sell your name, address, or other information to anyone, ever. We will make every reasonable effort to keep the information you do provide confidential and restricted to sole use of InetDaemon.Com. InetDaemon.Com has never sold or distributed our user's information to anyone in 15 years and we're not about to start doing so now.

Privacy Policy for InetDaemon.Com

This privacy policy applies to all websites, pages, products or services provided or offered by InetDaemon.Com or InetDaemon Enterprises.

Information Collected

The InetDaemon.Com website solicits and uses certain kinds of information provided, voluntarilly, by our visitors for the purpose of enhancing the experience and providing specific services we hope our visitors and members find useful. InetDaemon.Com collects information in the following ways:

  1. "Contact Us" online form
  2. Membership Signup Form & Member Profile Pages
  3. Website Performance Monitoring Software
  4. Internet Cookies
  5. Donations

Use of Collected Information

  • The "Contact Us" Online Form - The online "Contact Us" form requests the user's email address for the purpose of e-mail responses to questions sent to InetDaemon. Due to the extreme level of SPAM and other undesireable solicitations, the form has been configured to also collect the IP address and browser/platform information of the web browser used to submit information through the form. The information collected is used to reply to legitimate users of the form and to block unauthorized use of the contact form.
  • Membership Signup Form - Members of InetDaemon.Com have exclusive access to members-only content, but an InetDaemon.Com account is required to access this content. The member form allows visitors to sign up for an account and in some cases, to create a personal profile. No personally identifiable information is required to create an account and user profiles are entirely optional. All information volunteered by users is on a voluntary basis and any information users volunteer is offered at their own risk. Every reasonable effort has been made to secure any information provided; however, InetDaemon.Com is unable to control, and not liable for the actions of the web provider, or any failures in Wordpress due to software bugs or security holes, or other third-party software used at this site. Use of this site constitutes consent to provide the information. The information provided will NOT be sold or distributed to third parties and remains the exclusive property of InetDaemon.Com.
  • Website Performance Monitoring Software - This website uses statistical software to track the performance of the website and total counts of hits, pageviews and a list of most popular web pages and top IP addresses using the site. Use of this website constitutes agreement to allow this monitoring. This statistical information is used exclusively to improve the performance and content of InetDaemon.Com. Information collected by the statistical software is restricted to the IP address, browser version and type, platform type, pages and page counts. No personally identifiable information (PII) is collected through this statistical tracking software and all data is strictly anonymous.
  • Internet Cookies - Whenever you access InetDaemon.Com, we automatically receive and store information about your connection and the state of your login within InetDaemon.Com. This information is managed using internet cookies. Internet cookies are used by Wordpress and other third party applications used within InetDaemon.Com to enhance the user experience and contain no personally identifiable information. These cookies expire on their own and may be safely deleted at any time.
  • Donations - At this time, all donations to InetDaemon.Com are handled through PayPal. Any information collected in the process of donating is collected, used and stored within the PayPal servers. PayPal sends notifications to alert me to donations received. These notifications contain the e-mail address and name of the person donating. This information is purged periodically and is not used except under one and only one condition: Any message sent to InetDaemon as a 'thank you' or compliment is added to the "Kudos" banner with a scrubbed/anonymized version of the e-mail address (the domain name is stripped and any part of the e-mail address that might identify the person's name). The information is not otherwise used for any purpose and is never distributed to anyone.

Sharing of Information does not share user information with any third party, especially names or e-mail addresses. I expect others to respect my privacy and I feel it is reasonable for you to expect me to respect your privacy. We do not share, distribute or sell our members' or users's information to any third party. Information is exclusively owned by and reserved exclusively for the use of InetDaemon.Com and enhancing the user experience.

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